string(2) "15" Campus as a district: a small smart city at the university [Sep. 2019] | PlanUp

Campus as a district: a small smart city at the university [Sep. 2019]



The University of Genoa has decided to transform the Savona Campus, which hosts a population of around 2,500 people, into an innovative and sustainable neighbourhood model thanks to the implementation of replicable energy efficiency and renewable energy measures. Among the actions carried out, implementation of a "smart" microgrid to supply electricity to the Campus area, construction of a sustainable n-ZEB building, enhancement of the energy efficiency of existing Campus buildings, a project to transform the Campus into one Smart Urban District of the Future, installing new technologies in the ICT, energy and environment sectors, installation of 4 charging stations for electric vehicles.



  • Energy efficiency at the university campus
  • Smart microgrid
  • Working with university campuses with a neighborhood approach

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